In the square and tidy universe of an unconventional family, Mother is the guardian of order and Junior the distorting agent. A house where...
Starched Collars
Pixeles de familia
When Adriana, the mother, becomes convinced that a perfect family consists of only two children, the arrival of a new baby, Tomas, turns their world...
A man plunged into grief connects through his dreams with the love he lost in a car accident.
Where Dreams Sleep
A current of thought unites the three episodes in a coherent way, embodied with few elements, and that makes of space, time, and movement, purely...
Trilogía Muda
After the loss of their mother, a dysfunctional family is pressed to re-examine their lives. As father and children come to terms with their own...
The Erection of Toribio Bardelli
Luzmila and Peta are two sisters who come from a modest environment and work as housemaids for Alicia and Carmen, two aristocratic ladies of Peru....
The Best Families