The story of three friends growing up in the 90’s, navigating relationships, school, and their individual sexual awakenings, based on true...
A man fakes his death. At his funeral he discovers he has a son and attempts to find him.
Hot Air
Jamie, a talented cabaret singer, is recovering from a breakup with his romantic and artistic partner. Ben is a young poet struggling with the death...
Getting It
A man and his shark-toothed son attempt to preserve their relationship in a world that doesn't care much for them.
When a shut-in dies alone and returns as a housebound ghost, he finds himself at the mercy of a world that didn’t even notice he was gone.
Home Body
Popular frat guy Griff, the ultimate boy next boy, has a great big secret... Pete. Given an ultimatum by Pete, Griff goes the straight route until...
Defying Gravity