Love in Sampan is the tale of an unfortunate young woman named Kiu. As she explains in the opening narration, she has known three men: Wah (a boy who...
Love in Sampan
HK businessman Kiu doesn't have time to woo a girl. On a trip to Saigon, he offers financial help to poor girl Shun's (very troubled !) family if...
Vietnamese Lady
Dr. Poon is a psychiatrist who espouses the therapeutic benefits of wild, screaming group sex. He tells Susan, a recent divorcée who is...
A Wild Party
Eddie Chan plays Fa, a psychotic loser, always between jobs, who never seems to have his prerogative s straight. His girlfriend at the time, Ah Hsia...
Pale Passion
After being raped at a young age, May has an abortion. Later, she is attacked by two men but is saved by kung fu teachers Sam and Bing. She pretends...
The Rapist Beckons
A hot-head cop, a by-the-books cop, and a hitman all vie to take down a drug boss. Meanwhile, a gang of criminals plan to rob an armored truck.
Men from the Gutter
A 1995 Hong Kong thriller.
A Step To Heaven
Powerful Four boasts an all-star cast and chronicles the rise of four semi-corrupt Hong Kong police detectives during the late 1960s.
Powerful Four