Space Investigator Justy arrives on Earth in pursuit of a dangerous bio-weapon, Debora, which has the ability to attach to living things and to...
Recovering from a failed love affair Shiyori heads to the country, in the company of best friend and bad girl Aiko. Having taken a long soak in the...
"The Abashiri Family" are one of the most notorious mafia family members in the world. Even though their family consists of only five members, just...
Abashiri Family The Movie
The story begins with three Aliens in human form preparing for a ritual to feed the Fog Mother's "siblings". The Fog Mother last came to earth during...
Kamen Rider J
The Metropolitan Police Department '0'section, known as an organization in the police department that investigates a closed case. Well-trained...
Zero Woman 2005
Summoned by the black sphere, Kei and Masaru fight against extraterrestrials until Masaru grows tired of fighting and refuses to continue.
Gantz: Perfect Answer
What are the 'negotiation tactics' learned from the yakuza other than fighting and blackmail??? The negotiation skills of the yakuza, honed to the...
The Successful Businessmen Handbook: Economic Tatics You Can Learn from the Yakuza
After trying to rescue a man on the subway tracks, two teens wake up in a room dominated by a mysterious black sphere that sends them to hunt down...