Two brothers, Turiko and Mgelia fall in love with the same girl and become each other's merciless enemies. The brothers decide to draw lots, the...
Two Hunters
In the midst of Alaverdoba, an ordinal person plays out a trick to awake pilgrims and their moral spirits, and to remind them of the true meanings of...
Romeo and Juliet a-la Romani style.
Gypsy Blood
Blinded by the desire of wealth, mother of Siko makes him leave behind his wife and child and go to America.
Who Is Guilty?
The Last Masquerade
Schoolteacher Spiridon and his pretty wife Despine are taking a room in a small inn. Tariel Mklavadze, a local nobleman and debauchee falls for a...
The Case of the Murder of Tariel Mklavadze