Following a humiliating plagiarism scandal, an author moves to an isolated small-town house with her daughter to write her comeback novel. Desperate...
In coma for a decade, the twin So Yeon wakes finally up. But she can't recall many things. Her other twin sister, Hyo Jin, died in the accident that...
The Evil Twin
The fashionable Hye-joo is focused on her career at a brokerage house. She's making a decent living, but her co-workers look down on her. Tae-hee is...
Take Care of My Cat
Three young men prepare to take their university entrance exams while each dealing with real world problems that can effect every day people in Seoul.
Three Friends
Sumin is an orphan trying to balance work in a factory with study at an art college and an evening job. One night, a rich young businessman makes an...
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