In a polluted mangrove swamp, dead bodies raise during the night, attacking and biting the dwellers that transform into aggressive zombies. Local...
Mud Zombies
Death and blood are in the middle of a feud between two families. Something creepy rounds the Silva Farm and makes its victims. The Carvalho Family,...
The Night of the Chupacabras
A strange black spot approaches the coast, bringing death and destruction to a fishing village. In a desperate flight to escape the chaos, lonely...
Dark Sea
Unites 8 Latin American filmmakers from countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Spain, and Mexico in a single feature to count depict in...
Alerta: recuento de cadáveres
Based on a brazilian shocking true story.
Revelations of a Cannibal Filmaker
Peixe Podre
Peixe Podre 2
A girl crosses the forest to get milk and on the way she knows about Saci, who punishes those who do not respect the people of the forest.
O Saci
A documentary about the creative process of the movie director and make up artist Rodrigo Aragão.
The Monstrologist