The 3 interwoven stories unfold the terrifying Vietnamese urban legends revolving around an ill-fated superstar behind the iconic sugarcane lady...
Vietnamese Horror Story
Adapted from the collection of short stories Đô Thị Linh Dị by author Nguyễn Ngọc Thạch. The film has a...
On the Drinking Table Under the Conspiracy Table is a story about the interesting friendship of a group of close friends. In their journey to find...
On the drinking table under the planning table
When a struggling single mother falls for a wealthy heartbreaker, their risky romance could just turn their lives around — or tear their worlds...
The story revolves around Mrs. Nu's family consisting of three generations living together in the same house. The one-handed Mrs. Nu is known for her...
The House of No Man
"Win My Baby Back" is a perfect love story of Trong Thoai and Nha Linh. But life was not as dreaming as Nha Linh's ex-girlfriend Quy Khanh suddenly...
Win My Baby Back
The life of a single mother with her little daughter is more interesting when the appearance of a gentleman, the plan to "find a husband, find a...
Accidentally Dad
Land of Spirits: The Blind Shaman
A clever prankster attempts to exonerate his beloved teacher from a troubling conviction that involves a wily bureaucrat.
Trạng Quỳnh
I Am Mine
Ai chết giơ tay
Devastated by the loss of both parents to cancer, a medical student drops out of school and meets a firebrand photographer with a lust for life.
Diary of Fireflies