A young, revolutionary couple aboard the last train leaving Budapest after the Russian invasion of 1956. Based on a novel by the Austrian writer...
In this reenactment of a propaganda documentary, a woman is falling prey to the role assigned to her in slow motion. Upon her arrest, diplomat...
Mária Kerényi, 41, July 1970
A champion runner finds himself torn between winning a race and compulsively amassing any object he finds on his way. The film came about from a...
A Metaphysical Education
Four men posing as chimney-sweepers are looking for the answer in a goat's stomach after a disastrous afternoon- and they find it!
Black Brush
Four outnumbered hungarian soldiers hold a stand in the woods, against the soviet army, near the end of the second world war.
Lost Generation
Set in 19th century Vienna, Ignac Semmelweis, a short-tempered but passionate doctor, delivers babies and carries out autopsies on a daily basis...
FOMO: Fear of Missing Out
Computers, TVs, cel tels and other telecom devices no longer work and the people are suffering severe withdrawal pains. Three brothers try to...
Dreaming about the Wild West in the 1970s in Eastern Europe is not enough...
Halotti beszéd
Nine-year-old Rózi is bored on the beach with her grandmother when she suddenly has a vision: she must help a pale man die.
The Pale Man's Last Attempt At Sunbathing
The story of three women - a famous prostitute, her housekeeper and their new maid - living in Budapest of 1910s, whose passionate, bizarre and...
A psychotic killer is on the prowl, who continues to slaughter young women while an innocent man is wrongly accused and sentenced for crimes he could...
A martfűi rém
Different genres of short stories about the lives of the city, the people of Budapest presented an individual point of view.
Nekem Budapest
A feature-length anthology film. They are known as myths, lore, and folktales. Created to give logic to mankind’s darkest fears, these stories...
The Field Guide to Evil
24 hours in the life of a mother, caught in the relentlessness of daily life, between her work, her home and her children.
One Day
A man who lost his wife and daughter in the Holocaust and a girl who lost her parents meet. Knowing each other′s emptiness, they become like...
Those Who Remained
The movie is a chamber play which takes place in a theater at one night. The main motive is a love triangle involving a married couple and an actor,...
A satirical tale of the adaptation, casting and rehearsal of a theatrical version of Winnie-the-Pooh.
Her Dangerous Feet