Trysil-Knut is a Norwegian film from 1942. Directed by veteran Rasmus Breistein and is a ski themed melodrama about the legendary skier Trysil-Knut...
Baldevins bryllup (English: Baldevin's wedding) is a 1926 Norwegian comedy film directed by George Schnéevoigt, starring Einar Sissener and...
Baldevins bryllup
A Swedish drama from 1939 about the social and political developments in Sweden from 1885 until the dissolution of the union in 1905. The year is...
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Siberian hunter Burtaj learns from his dying father that he originates from German farmers on his mother side. He is thus a "bastard", since the...
The Whalers (original title: Valfangare) is a filmed record of the final whaling expedition in the Arctic before the outbreak of WW2. Only partly a...
The city boy Rolf gets a job on a big farm, and soon lies about finding gold. We see the rise of gold fever while the corn rots away.