This is an engaging drama by director Karel Kachyna about the growing pains of a young teen (Jorga Kotrbova) and the hardships of a noble steed...
A police inspector and inexperienced trainee search for a mysteriously disappeared manufacturer of ointments for hair growth.
Dissolved and Effused
Oldrich is the runt of his village, beaten by his father, bullied by the other boys. But he has imagination on his side, and a wiry toughness they...
Long Live the Republic
An epic exploration of the Czechoslovak New Wave cinema of the 1960s and 70s, structured around a series of conversations with one of its most...
CzechMate: In Search of Jiří Menzel
It’s Not Always Cloudy
The time is 1945-46. 10 year old Eda and his friend Tonda live in a small village outside Prague. In school, their class is so wild and indisciplined...
The Elementary School