This faux-documentary follows a butoh master, a fashion designer, and a filmmaker racing against time to create art and help a young girl in love.
Female bank tellers. They may smile at their customers, but they are also filled with a dark side. One day, just before the bank closed, a criminal...
Maruhi seihanzai: Onna ginkôin, shûdan rape
Misayo, who works as a matron in the company's men's dormitory, is plagued by remorse for the death of her husband, who died in a fit of rage at her...
Nure jôzu: Hakui no mibôjin
About a pottery workshop run by Ms. Namie. Her students want to become as skilled as her, and she teach them that the key to good pottery is love.
Teachers of Sexual Play: Modelling Vessels with the Female Body
Misaki is an innocent woman whose mother is gone and her sister is disabled from a car accident. Her father sexually molests the two girls, and...
Girl Hell 1999
Hitozuma: Midara na Jôyoku