A renowned surgeon, abandoned by his wife and daughter, gets robbed and loses his memory. Wandering around the countryside, he becomes a village...
The Quack
An exiled leader returns to Poland to lead an uprising against the Russian occupiers.
Kosciuszko at the Battle of Raclawice
Czerwony błazen
Dzień kwiatka
Wściekły rywal
Anybody Can Love
Skandal na ulicy Szopena
Miodowe miesiące z przeszkodami
Bielecki (Gregori Chmara) becomes determined to become a famous writer, but the means he employs in achieving his goal are far from ethical. Bielecki...
A Strong Man
Pałac na kółkach
The main character is a very superstitious man. On the 13th day of the month, after a very bad start to the day, he reads the newspaper and learns...
Lucky Thirteen
What Does My Husband Do at Night?
Two apartment house dwellers, although unrelated, share the same name. One is an older man with an appreciation for and love of classical music,...
The Apartment Above
The Toy
Robert and Bertrand covered accused of theft and are sent to prison where they meet Irena.
Robert and Bertrand