A plane carrying beauty contestants crash lands on a deserted island. Captain Maximus Powers and co-pilot Mike Saunders have to take care of their...
Miss Cast Away
An elite commando squad led by longtime soldier buddies Hawk and Grives run afoul of lethal and powerful vampires in a South American rain forest....
In the grand tradition of the lone hero who mysteriously appears in a town desperate for help (think "Shane, "Billy Jack", "James Bond" and "Chinese...
Latin Dragon
Two stoners wake up after a night of partying and cannot remember where they parked their car.
Dude, Where's My Car?
Disgraced journalist Mikael Blomkvist investigates the disappearance of a weary patriarch's niece from 40 years ago. He is aided by the pierced,...
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Coralito is the wife of Paulino, who dies but never leaves her. Especially when she marries the town doctor, Hernán.
Coralito y sus dos maridos
La primera finalista
Taking place on the last day of the Creeper’s twenty-three-day feeding frenzy, as the skeptical Sergeant Tubbs teams up with a task force...
Jeepers Creepers 3
"Lord of the Freaks" chronicles the bizarre enterprises of new media mogul Alki David, aka 'The Eccentric Billionaire,' a man whose extreme wealth...
Lord of the Freaks