Quinqui cinema encompassed a series of Spanish crime films with a unique national sensibility, as they reflected the times of the Franco dictatorship...
Blood In The Streets: The Quinqui Film Phenomenon
Paco, the teenage son of a Civil Guard commander in Basque Country, becomes addicted to heroin.
Following the events of El pico, the heroin-addicted Paco faces jail time due to his involvement in a double murder.
El Pico 2
A chronicle of the life of Jaro, the leader of a juvenile delinquent gang, depicting his rise from street urchin to outlaw anti-hero on the way to...
José is an unemployed 18-year-old living in a cramped apartment in the slums of Madrid. Marginalized by poverty, José spends his time...
Leandro, an unemployed mason and his friend, Tocho, attempt to rob a tobacconist in the Vallecas district of Madrid, but Mrs. Justa, the tobacconist,...
The Tobacconist of Vallecas
Set in a crumbling Spanish mansion, this gloriously comic and gothic story follows the fortunes of an innocent young priest as he enters a world of...
The House of Ulloa
Obsessed with finding her old boyfriend, Gumer, a 25-year-old girl, is released from jail in Barcelona, one of Europe's most sought-after port cities...
Barcelona sur
Spain. 1978. Year of the first democratic elections following the dictatorship, and of the birth cine quinqui (delinquent movies): films that rapidly...
Navajeros, censores y nuevos realizadores