A young fighter named Kham must go to Australia to retrieve his stolen elephant. With the help of a Thai-born Australian detective, Kham must take on...
The Protector
Teddy Yu is a former secret agent turned chiropractor who thought he left his past behind. He teaches martial arts to his two kids. However, his past...
House of Fury
In the year of 2039, after World Wars destroy much of the civilization as we know it, territories are no longer run by governments, but by...
Manit witnessed the murder of his parents when he was just 10 years old. The killers shot him in the head, but he miraculously survived. However, the...
Bangkok Revenge
A major feature exclusively for digital, EXTRACTION follows a U.S. Black Ops team member who finds himself the only survivor of a botched prisoner...
A former special forces soldier becomes a one-man army when his wife and daughter are taken hostage during a bank robbery.
Last Resort
A warrior fleeing the violence of his past must take up the sword and risk everything to face a god of incalculable power.
A damaged homicide detective (Johnny Messner) must prevent a grieving father from unleashing a "robotic virus" that he believes will destroy the...
Ryu wakes up from a nightmare facing his nemesis, Akuma. While walking in the forest, he is followed by a mysterious warrior revealed to be Ken...
Street Fighter: Legacy
A railroad worker unwittingly finds himself on the wrong side of a group of corrupt lawmen in the Old West. When tragedy forces him to seek justice,...
The Outsider
When terrorists threaten nuclear catastrophe at Chernobyl, the world's only hope is to reactivate decommissioned Universal Soldier Luc Deveraux....
Universal Soldier: Regeneration
Duality is a film about a man who is traveling between different universes against his will. Through his experience and struggle the film looks at...
Brian Barnes (Johnny Messner) wakes up in the desert wounded and with no memory and no idea why he's surrounded by eight bodies, a van with four...
Left For Dead is a revenge thriller set in a city called Hope, where a crimelord called Kincaid rules with an iron fist. Williams, a former hitman...
Left for Dead
Driven by tragedy, billionaire Bruce Wayne dedicates his life to uncovering and defeating the corruption that plagues his home, Gotham City. Unable...
Batman Begins