In this feature film version of the popular BBC sitcom, the staff of Grace Brothers go on holiday to Costa Plonka, where they find themselves in the...
Are You Being Served? The Movie
The late, great comedian Bob Monkhouse entertains a celebrity audience that includes Stephen Fry, Mandy Smith and Eamonn Holmes in this 1994 special....
An Audience with Bob Monkhouse
A cynical young American, Thomas Doubting, stumbles upon a magical amulet which takes him on a mysterious journey to the island of Sinmouth. The...
The Mumbo Jumbo
Young Shakespeare is forced to stage his latest comedy, "Romeo and Ethel, the Pirate's Daughter," before it's even written. When a lovely noblewoman...
Shakespeare in Love
Are You Being Served? is one of the most popular and most outrageous British sitcoms of all time. For more than a decade, millions of viewers tuned...
Are You Being Served? Secrets & Scandals
'Boom! Boom!' The Best of the Original Basil Brush Show featuers the most hilarious moments from the Mr Derek, Mr Roy and Mr Howard years.
Boom! Boom! The Best of the Original Basil Brush Show
Documentary celebrating the British sitcom and taking a look at the social and political context from which our favourite sitcoms grew. We enjoy a...
British Sitcom: 60 Years of Laughing at Ourselves
An American actor in England tries to find love and work.
The Tall Guy
Profile of actress Wendy Richard's remarkable television career, featuring classic clips and contributions from colleagues.
Wendy Richard: A Life on the Box
Grace Brothers shut up shop over thirty years ago but for one night only we are reopening that infamous department store, climbing into the lift and...
We Love Are You Being Served?