The magical story of a beautiful young girl named Beauty, whose family were at one time wealthy merchants and how through great family misfortune and...
Beauty and the Beast
Once upon a time three pigs named Jorge, Marcos and Joseph lived happily with her mother until one day Mr. Brown Bear them out of their homes because...
The Three Little Pigs
During a walk in the woods, Goldilocks comes to a house where they live three bears, which spend a wonderful day and fun. Days later discovers to her...
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Determined to bring honor to her family, Mulan lies her way into the army to protect her father.
An old man, searches for his long lost daughter, Sinda, who was taken from him by the evil King Farzoomah who wanted her for his harem when she grew...
The Fantastic Voyages of Sinbad
Abib, a naughty irresponsible donkey, is purchased by Joseph to transport his wife, Mary, to Bethlehem for the birth of their baby. On the journey,...
Silent Night: The Story of the First Christmas
Taking up the position as teacher of the Royal children of Siam, Anna Leonowens finds that her most difficult pupil is the heir to the throne, Prince...
Anna and the King
Hansel and Gretel is the tale of a brother and sister who are abandoned in a forest and are capture by a wicked witch.
Hansel & Gretel
An American family receives an inheritance a century English castle with its gardens and furniture includes a real ghost, that of Simon de...
The Canterville Ghost