Shane Ryan presents the worlds first snuff anthology, with stomach- turning short films collected from over 20 filmmakers around the world, who all...
Faces of Snuff
Dormant spirits have been re-awakened in the Welsh village of Cwmgwrach. Can anyone stop the manifestation of ancient evil? Or is the village fated...
Valley of the Witch
The story of 'CHRISTMAS SLAY' begins on a wintry Christmas Eve in the picturesque Kentish countryside, the horrific murder of a loving family, and...
Christmas Slay
Exploitation anthology from the twisted minds of established and up and coming directors from across the globe.
What happens when an uncontrollable virus turns the living into the living dead?
Virus of the Dead
Abused, broke and down on her luck, Sarah is given a new shot at life when she moves into a new apartment. At first the apartment seems to have been...
Devil's Tower