Girls Night In is a satirical horror short that was created based on the Bechdel test. The test examines works of fiction to see whether there are...
Girls Night In
Sylvia is an ambitious businesswoman and the owner of a successful jewelry company. However, strange things begin to happen to her when she joins a...
Killer Ambition
Haley and Nick Downes are a happy, successful young couple pregnant with their first baby, but when Nick's father dies unexpectedly, his estranged...
Psycho Sister-In-Law
A Group of teenagers test the legend of an immortal witch and get more than they bargained for. It's almost Halloween and six young people, spooked...
The Wicked
A free-spirited surf instructor volunteers herself as a strictly sexual - or so she thinks - rebound for a heartbroken, down and out writer.
This Thing with Sarah
Haunted by the past, a brilliant tech-addicted developer faces an impossible dilemma: recreate her ex-girlfriend in virtual reality or hold onto the...
In a desperate chance to get 'back on top,' Uncle Daddy (Jordan Wiseley), breaks into a production studio in order to film new adult content. An...
Space Juice
A young woman sabotages her own wedding in order to reclaim her identity and obliterates her life in the process.
Erasing Eden
An overcritical guy encounters a mysterious dating app profile he can't swipe away, leaving him caught between attraction and fear.
When Zach gets a message from his biological father on social media, he and his friends venture to Death Valley to meet him. No one was prepared for...
When ambitious wedding planner Meg Mooreland is assigned the task of being in charge of her best friend Ellie's upcoming wedding, she has no idea a...
Save the Wedding