Eddie, a struggling animal trainer and single dad suddenly finds himself the personal wrangler for a large and lovable St. Bernard whose fabulous...
Beethoven's Big Break
Hollywood hopeful Tom Murphy and his posse are pinning their dreams of success on having Tom’s famous girlfriend star in their first feature. ...
High Hopes
Conception is a clever, romantic comedy that proves it takes more than sex to make a baby. From a couple fighting the odds of fertility to young...
Resort manager Claire prepares for a holiday family reunion, but when her grandfather makes a startling announcement and then dies unexpectedly,...
Shadow Island Mysteries: The Last Christmas
TV Movie directed by Gary Yates. Claire is hosting her best friend's wedding. Guests arrive, old family conflicts resurface and the night before the...
Shadow Island Mysteries: Wedding for One
A white woman has an affair with a married African-American basketball star and challenges him for custody of their mixed-race son. Based on a true...
Playing for Keeps
Inspired by true events, the Lifetime Original Movie, Baby Sellers, exposes the shocking international criminal enterprise of infant trafficking....
Baby Sellers
A teenage girl becomes entangled in a volatile relationship with a pair of high-school lovers.
The Stalking of Laurie Show
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas... but only if you have a good lawyer. In this witty procedural about people behaving badly, two very different...
Wild Card
Susan is a newspaper staffer who decides to generate some Christmas spirit by writing an article about her family’s storied 100-year-old,...
Angel of Christmas
Genetics professor Adam Slope clones his wife Dawn after she dies in a fire but the woman he creates is different than the woman he loved, so he...
An ambitious female news producer and her colleagues navigate the tumultuous waters of a Washington network news bureau.
Inside the Box
Kristie Simmons, an attorney, initiates a legal battle trying to get approval for a bike lane for the local residents. When Bill, a local...
Walking the Dog
Resort developer Madison Lane is tasked with finding a location for a new ski resort. Her boss tells her to take a trip to Christmas, Colorado, to...
Welcome to Christmas
Personal injury attorney Stuart Pepper faces the challenge of his young career when he takes on a controversial case of wrongful death in small town...
The Coverup
The story of Vince, New England's most successful divorce attorney. To Vince, life is one big competition, and losing is unacceptable. This also...
The Opposite Sex