This adaptation of the traditional story will see Robin Hood and his Merry Band protecting Sherwood Forest and its animal inhabitants from the...
CBeebies Panto: Robin Hood
Sing, dance and laugh along as a host of CBeebies stars take to the stage with a fun filled Christmas pantomime written especially for pre-school...
CBeebies Presents: Dick Whittington And His Cat
A host of CBeebies stars perform a unique adaptation of As You Like It on the world’s most famous stage. Expect love, dressing up, singing and...
CBeebies Presents: As You Like It at Shakespeare's Globe
This is the time of year when friends and family gather round the television to exchange the traditional greeting -“Don’t bother,...
Victoria Wood's Midlife Christmas
A magical island, a stormy shipwreck and a royal mystery!
CBeebies Presents: The Tempest
A bang on the head during a cricket match at his boarding school has landed twelve-year-old Tom in the children’s ward of the spooky Lord Funt...
Chichester Festival Theatre: The Midnight Gang