In a world of illegal, high-stakes gambling, Nick owns a run-down plantation house. He is enamored with the smart, tough and charming ace Diana's...
Double Down South
Seeking revenge for her husband's death, Ann ingratiates herself with the Garretts under the guise of a caring housekeeper. Once she gains their...
Thy Neighbor's Wife
A man's life gets wrecked by a woman with whom he had a casual "affair" over the Internet.
A Bold Affair
The Munsters come to America to search for Herman's brother-in-law Norman Hyde, only to find out that he has turned himself into Brent Jekyll, who is...
Here Come the Munsters
Successful psychologist, Dr. Angela Cross, puts in a new burglar alarm system into her home due to threats she received. Steve Caldwell and Will...
Night Eyes 4: Fatal Passion