Jeanette - Break on Through Tour
This charming animated adventure follows a young polar bear, Lars, as he befriends Robbie, a seal. Together, these two form a friendship that proves...
The Little Polar Bear
Die Roland Kaiser Show: Liebe kann uns retten
35 years of "Dirty Dancing": This anniversary deserves a proper birthday party. Presenter Janin Ullmann celebrates with the celebrity birthday...
35 Jahre Dirty Dancing - Die große Geburtstagsparty
Callgirl Undercover
Ausgerechnet am Tag ihrer Hochzeit fand Franziska raus, dass ihr Verlobter ein Verhältnis hatte. Seither weiß sie, dass alle Männer...
Die Treue-Testerin
Sing my Song
Liebe ohne Rückfahrschein
Dörte's Dancing
A prehistoric shark (named in the books "megalodon") lurks Mallorca, killing a couple of individuals. A professional diver begins the hunt.
Shark Attack in the Mediterranean
In the middle of century XII much of the European territory is ruled by the Holy Roman Empire and violence and cruelty are the order of the day....
Isenhart: The Hunt Is on for Your Soul
Rosamunde Pilcher: Ghostwriter
Jeanette - Rock My Life Tour 2003
Die Treue-Testerin – Spezialauftrag Liebe