Pražský chodec
Rose Mary
Cizí lidé
Stáří není pro sraby
A group of children are investigating a chain of mysterious events during the seventies.
Odysseus and the Stars
The Ronov castle has been changed into a hotel, offering stylish facilities to its guests: weddings in the torture chamber, a Black Lancer kidnapping...
„Rakev ve snu viděti...“
Tvář za sklem
Sedm kilo pro Králíčka
Hastrmanská povídačka
A dark comedy about a murder and its consequences presented in a backwards manner, where death is actually a rebirth. The film starts with an...
Happy End
Tajemná truhla
Svatba na bitevním poli
Žalář nejtemnější
Stôl pre štrnástich
The story of a practical education environment without superficiality, clichés and affectations. The film is based on a real basis and shows...
Sign of the Virgin
Každému jeho nebe
In the 1950s, Ludvik Jahn was expelled from the Communist Party and the University by his fellow students, because of a politically incorrect note he...
The Joke
Jitka Schneiderová and Jiří Langmajer as husband and wife. He is a very busy lawyer, she is a housewife. A seemingly happy,...
Oběti: Karambol
Bastardi 2
Predčasné leto
A bitter-sweet comedy about two people who wish to live life to the full despite their age. Ota is a retired high-school teacher and at this point in...
Oldies but Goldies
Čertovy kameny
Dva kluci v palbě
Discopríbeh 2
The heroes of this absurd comedy, full of confusion and humor are Dzharda Zemanek and Frantisek Liska.
A Nice Plate of Spinach
Hlas krve
Obr z Černé skály
The film is essentially a feature-length commercial for an exhibition to mark the 40th anniversary of the nationalisation of the Czechoslovak film...
The Great Movie Robbery
Rekviem za rytierov
A teenage witch, Saxana (Petra Černocká), frozen in time as a punishment for 300 years, finds herself in a modern world.
The Girl on the Broomstick
Zlatý copánek
Svatá noc
Kronika žhavého léta
Prince Victor looks in vain for a swan which was wounded by one of his servants. Instead he discovers a beautiful girl with golden hair who has an...
Queen of the Lake
In this character study by Czech director Frantisek Vlacil, a stout middle-aged physician whose marriage has come apart establishes a practice in a...
Smoke on the Potato Fields
Vážení přátelé, ano
Blankytná pohádka
This comedy is about one average family. The father works as master in the factory and his son is studying on high school. One day father must start...
Marecek, Pass Me the Pen!
Mlynářka z Granady
Ohnivý máj
Cestující se připraví k odletu
The story of a young lawyer who finds herself in a difficult situation when she encounters troubles in her burgeoning career and complications in...
The Lawyer
Maniac, a driver, sits on the track women, which then rape and kill. For loved ones, he is an ordinary person who has a wife and child. When exposed,...
Death of Hitch-Hikers
We meet Veronica shortly before her high-school graduation exams. She lives with her mother, an alcoholic, and her mother's partner. One day when he...
Crash Road
Smrt na černo
Zvonící meče
Zkřížené meče
Zázračné meče
Students from the Prague Conservatory leave for a workshop in the picturesque South Bohemian countryside, where they are placed before a demanding...
The Musical, or The Way to Happiness
A beautiful, underachieving, 18-year-old orphan considers various suitors, ponders philosophy, and takes a young girl under her wing.
Dita Saxová
Klec pro dva
Barrandovské nokturno aneb Jak film tančil a zpíval
Blazenka likes to imagine she is on a desolate island and has to find a way how to survive. After the death of her mother she stays together with her...
Robinson Girl
Seven days, or rather evenings and nights, in the life of Jenka (Stanislava Bartosová), a young good-looking nurse. Jenka is attractive to men...
Seven Days in a Week
A dramatic love story, taking place in the final days of the Second World War when the American Army liberated the Pilsen region of West Bohemia....
Vůně vanilky
Podivná přátelství herce Jesenia
A tale based on novel by Czech writer Bozena Nemcova.
Radúz, the son of a Magurian king, has lost his way hunting in the territory of the Tatra King Stojmír. He learns from his loyal...
Radúz a Mahulena
Brouk v hlavě
Ptačí král
Waterloo po česku
Všichni musí zemřít
Všichni musí být v pyžamu
Vím, že jsi vrah...
Risque jokes acted out in short skits.
Cesta byla suchá, místy mokrá
Stín smrtihlava
Cyril Dadák (Václav Postránecký), a TV reporter falls in love at first sight with a young engineer Milena (Jaroslava...
Jakou barvu má láska
In the 1600s, an overzealous clergy hauls innocent women in front of tribunals, forces them to confess to imaginary witchery, and engages in brutal...
Vyvraždění rodiny Greenů
Adam and Eve had ideal conditions for getting to know each other, they were naked and without any competition. Today, however, finding a partner can...
Bastardi III
Short Comedy skits of popular jokes. A continuation of the first movie.
Kameňák 2
Ach, ta láska nebeská…
Vražedný týden
Slečna Guru
Jako malé děti
Bastardi: Reparát
Pasáček Jirka
Zlatá réva
Přes padací mosty
Silnější než strach