Kuba, a young cartoon artist who works as a waiter at sophisticated parties, falls in love with beautiful Noemi and accidentally gets involved in...
Coyote's Morning
Two friends recall the PRL. After serving time in jail, they took up an illegal currency exchange. Cheated by partner - they decide to take revenge....
An independent film critic is commissioned to write a blockbuster screenplay in which the girlfriend of an influential gangster is to play....
Hero of the Year
A sleepy provincial town with only one "Błysk" bar. If it weren't for the nearby prison, it would be forgotten to the world. This is how guests...
New York, 4 A.M.
TV movie directed by Maria Zmarz-Koczanowicz.
Kraj świata
As Poland is placed under martial law in 1981, two confidence tricksters try to evade both the police and the army. They become embroiled in a web of...
Polish Roulette
An actor is married to a dancer whose drug addiction drives them to desperation when World War II breaks out.