Two young parents of an only baby, confront the sexual malformation of their child. Between social pressure and the struggle for acceptance, discover...
The Needle
Super Tounsi is a hilarious comedy that features Othmen, a charismatic superhero who, on his deathbed, transmits his incredible powers to Sliman, an...
Super Tounsi
Ali is a young Tunisian who dreams of a better life and ekes out a lonely existence selling contraband oil on the black market. When his father dies,...
The return of an exiled man, tormented by his past, a lover and a militant. The director, returns to bring up the spirit of The Opera Didon and...
The rumor of the water
Set in May 2004. Tunisia is full of excitement: it is the Arab summit. In this frantic and burlesque atmosphere, an electrician, a choreographer, a...
"Together with Jean-Pierre we've produced 'Fatwa', from Mahmoud Ben Mahmoud, a Tunesian living in Belgium. The film tells the story of a father who...
Fin Décembre
While Mehdi is torn between his secret gay affair and the perspective of getting married, his sister Hind struggles to face her present and to reveal...
After an evening in a nightclub and a swim at dawn, three young people, SONIA, FAFOU and YANIS, sneak into a villa, invited by the latter. They...
L'Enfant du Soleil
Desperate by the refusal of the film commission, Chahine wonders how he will do to find the money necessary to achieve the police comedy he has in...
Je vous ai à l'oeil
عصفور جنة
In the 70s, a communist-leaning movement was outlawed, and its activists were detained. In order to be freed, the authorities asked the detainees to...
Borj Roumi