In 1983 World Class Championship Wrestling and its franchise stars, the Von Erich brothers, were known around the world. A small Dallas based...
Heroes of World Class
The Dynamic Duo of Gino Hernandez & Chris Adams square off with Kerry & Kevin Von Erich in a Hair vs. Hair Tag Team encounter.
WCCW Cotton Bowl Extravaganza '85
World Class Championship Wrestling returns to Texas Stadium with some all-star action!
WCCW Parade of Champions '86
Stadium show from deep in the heart of Texas
WCCW Cotton Bowl Extravaganza '87
This is the story of the ill-fated Von Erich family, almost all of whom died tragically before their time. Intercut with match and home video footage...
Faded Glory: The Von Erich Story
The High Holidays bring high tension deep in the heart of Texas. Can The Von Erich's come out unscathed?
WCCW Christmas Star Wars '87
The Texas Legend rides off into the sunset. but tries to take down a mountain of a man in Big Daddy Bundy and take his American Heavyweight...
WCCW Fritz Von Erich Retirement Show
Documentary that chronicles the story of the Von Erich family, siblings and wrestlers who attained the heights of championship glory but who also...
The Triumph and Tragedy of World Class Championship Wrestling
The first annual David Von Erich Memorial Parade of Champions at Texas Stadium in Irving, Texas features David's brother Kerry Von Erich battling Ric...
WCCW Parade of Champions
Kerry Von Erich gets his shot at the NWA World's Heavyweight Championship. But to become a champion "The Modern-Day Warrior" will need to topple NWA...
WCCW Star Wars (February 1981)
Christmas Day bring the action and excitement of World Class Championship Wrestling comes in the form of season's beatings when the Von Erich boys...
WCCW Christmas Star Wars '81
The Eyes of Texas fall upon The Cotton Bowl in Dallas for the hottest action around!
WCCW Cotton Bowl Extravaganza '86
"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes faces perennial rival Harley Race for the very last time in a best 2 of 3 Falls contest with an undercard filled...
NWA The Last Tangle in Tampa