In order to rescue her sister from the clutches of a vengeful ghost, a woman must unlock her latent supernatural abilities and navigate the...
Kyara, a female student accidentally hits a small child to death. Wracked with anger, the grandfather of the young child sacrificed Kyara to an evil...
Tumbal Arwarod
Lily is a naive high school girl. She is often taken advantage of by her friend, Jourdy. Mira, her other friend, then introduces Lily to her cousin,...
I Love You Silly
After their mother passed away, ALMA and her younger sister, MIA, moved from Jakarta to Surabaya because Alma got a job as the manager of Sasmaya...
Panggonan Wingit 2 “Miss K”
Furious after getting rejected by a famous dangdut singer Elena, Dirga resorts to using black magic "Jaran Goyang" from his aunt in order to get her...
The Spell