The film begins with 'New Dawn Fades'. Audio of speeches of Hitler are played alongside interviews of Chief Constable of Manchester. Montages of...
Joy Division (A Film by Malcolm Whitehead)
This 70-minute documentary covers the entire career of Joy Division, one of Manchester and Post-Punks most respected bands. It charts the entire...
Joy Division - Under Review
International is a 2002 greatest hits collection from New Order. It was released only in a few countries—United Kingdom notably excluded,...
New Order: International
1. Decades 2. Dead Souls 3. Love Will Tear Us Apart 4. Shadowplay 5. Day Of The Lords 6. Digital 7. Colony 8. New Dawn Fades 9. Autosuggestion 10....
Joy Division: Here Are the Young Men
Joy Division Substance 1977-1988 (Factory FAC 277 1988) Never commercially released, this was a video compiled from existing TV and film sources. ...
Joy Division - Substance 1977-1988
A chronological account of the influential late 1970s English rock band.
Joy Division
A BBC4 Documentary on the rise and fall and resurgence of the venerable LP record, and the dynamics of marketing and consumption of music as told...
When Albums Ruled the World
Rising from the ashes of the legendary British post-punk unit Joy Division, the enigmatic New Order triumphed over tragedy to emerge as one of the...
New Order Story
An archive celebration of studio performances from the British bands that broke through courtesy of punk between 1975 and 1982. Starting with Dr...
Punk Britannia at the BBC
Part concert, part documentary, this film follows the band’s preparations in the re-staging of their acclaimed collaboration So It Goes.. with...
New Order: Decades
Here Are The Young Men (Master VHS). Substance (1st Gen VHS). Clips from various sources compiled in chronological order.
Joy Division: Live & Promo Appearances 1979-1980