In this coming of age drama, 10 year old Max evades the harsh realities of the world around him by escaping to his hidden oasis in the woods with his...
A Brother Story
In a world where gun violence is as common place as dwindling college romances, Simone and Tyler must stick together in order to survive a school...
Thoughts and Prayers
Five vastly different high school girls are assigned to lead an anti-bullying assembly, and in doing so, accidentally form a girl group that they...
Drama Drama
Social media influencer Maddie, with her three friends, hosts a livestream about the paranormal. When she learns of the urban legend of Jacob Lang,...
The story of Ray-Ray McElrathbey, a freshman football player for Clemson University, who secretly raised his younger brother on campus after his home...
The story of Whitney Wolfe Herd, the founder and former CEO of online dating platform Bumble.