When a notorious German serial killer is captured after committing some of the most heinous acts against humanity ever imaginable, a farmer and...
Zwei Bauern und kein Land
The 24-year-old Andreas works as a mechanic at a tunnel building site in the Bulgarian Rhodopes. One day, he gets the startling news that his...
In einem Atem
Geld macht sexy
Der Revisor
German agitprop film.
Maulwürfe der Revolution
Vera – The Hard Way to Enlightenment
Ein ganz normaler Tag
A Western set in the US around the turn of the century. Atkins leaves the city to return to the valley where he formerly lived. There he meets Native...
The philosopher Democritus has a toothache, so a dentist from ancient Abdera sets off for his house. En route, he gets into a fight with a donkey...
Der Streit um des Esels Schatten
Martha & Tommy