A young doctor gets a new job in a haunted hospital where he meets a beautiful nurse, together they uncover the hospitals secrets. A horror comedy...
Ghost Hospital
Trùm Cỏ
The story tells of Đình Phong and his friends: Ngo Kien Ha, Pham Quynh Bang, Sky - a funny Korean girl, and manager Lam - a greedy guy....
The film revolves around two main characters are the Lam (Ngan Khanh) and Thố (Duc Thinh). They have nothing in common but ironic fate binds...
Tenacious Ghost
49 Ngày
Mrs. Dai, a 70-year old grandmother, suddenly finds that she has been transformed into her 20-year old self. Her old fashioned sense of style and...
Sweet 20
49 ngày 2
Ca Dao is an ordinary girl, who is frustrated with her life and always dreams of being a singer. All things suddenly change when she meets Chan Y, a...
You And I