In the aftermath of World War II, a British colonel and his wife are assigned to live in Hamburg during the post-war reconstruction, but tensions...
The Aftermath
After a blind date gone horribly wrong Jim and Lauren agree they never ever want to see each other again. Well that's all about to change when the...
The four best friends are confident, smart, having fun, discussing men, relationships and sex. But they're also taking care of kids, or they just had...
This darkly grotesque drama unfolds on multiple paths. The tangible one, now cruel, now crazy, along which the nomadic actor "Dad Mour", his wife...
A Sensitive Person
Život pro samouky
A story of Eliska and her daughter, starting a new life in a remote house with the 'father away on business', as the mother claims. After the lie is...
The Noonday Witch
In the former Czechoslovakia, 1950s, police captain Hakl investigates a jewelery robbery. An opened safe deposit leads to a known burglar. What seems...
In the Shadow
This fascinating historical drama looks at the life of "the Czech Schindler," Zdenek Toman, a controversial figure who was an unsavory politician and...
Vratislav Effenberger or Black Shark Hunting
Mrs. Zahrádková has a plan to convince the other co-owners of the flats to finally save the house in which they live together and which...
Prezident Blaník
The budget for the program to colonize Mars was so drastically cut back that settlements never appeared on the faraway planet. Now the only reminder...
Trash on Mars