På et pensionat i den indre by bor Flora - en frisk Københavnerpige med en brændende drøm: Hun vil være journalist....
En pige med pep
Lad det være sagt med det samme. Musikken i "Alle gaar rundt og forelsker sig" er fantastisk. Den bliver faktisk bedre og bedre med...
Alle gaar rundt og forelsker sig
Eight old school friends meet at Tove's to discuss what has happened in the last 10 years. Some have made careers, others have become homemakers,...
We Meet at Tove's
The action begins one early summer morning in a hostel, where we see, among others, two young girls, a law student, Ruth, and a small office lady,...
The Child
A woman is found strangled in her shop. Shortly after, another murder is committed. Perhaps the most terrifying is that the both girls' name is...
Melody of a Murder