Bob Spit, a comic book character, lives in a post-apocalyptic desert inside the mind of his creator, the legendary Brazilian cartoonist Angeli. When...
Bob Spit: We Do Not Like People
Insane Tuesday debuted in São Paulo in 2001. The project was dedicated to the study of Brazilian comedy, to the transformation of actors into...
Insane Tuesday
In this bio-documentary, you will get to know Claudia Wonder, a Brazilian transsexual at the forefront of LGBT rights activism and alternative music...
My Buddy Claudia
Matias and Franco, two Argentinians who are passionate about football, come to Brazil on a ride to follow the team they love: Chacarita Juniors. In...
Envy? Ego issues? Malice? In 1987, Angeli, one of the most important cartoonists in Brazil, coldly murdered one of his most famous creations, the...
Dossiê Rê Bordosa
When Alex and Eva choose to exchange vows at the very spot they first crossed paths, a series of hilarious missteps derails their journey to the...
Wedding Games
Jongo, a renowned photographer, and Candinho, a young and inexperienced journalist, arrive at a decaying country club of São Paulo's high...
The Business Women’s Club
Insane Tuesday is a stand-up project watched by over 1.5 million people all over Brazil. This second run is an audiovisual record of the latest...
Insane Tuesday: Fun Fan
Santiago, Amsterdam, Berlin, Cologne, Paris, London, Porto Alegre, Sao Paulo. The cities that witnessed the brief life of the poet, playwright and...
Over Seven Sparkling Green Waves
As Carmen prepares to marry for the fourth time, her three sisters find themselves juggling romantic predicaments of their own in this offbeat comedy...
I Didn't Know Tururu