The litte girl and her mother sit down on a seat. The little girl asks her mother to tell the story of "Pamuk Princess". When the mother starts to...
Real Stories: A Snow White Story
Kaos: Örümcek Ağı
Mahpeyker: Kösem Sultan
Lives that getting united and getting threatened in a night - a woman who is running away because she was subjected to domestic violence by her...
62-84, I Didn't Copy That, HQ
Mavi Gece
Ozkan has a special flower which is from Barcelona. He realize that the flower is ready for smoke. He organizes his friends to party that they play...
Hemen Döneriz
"The Wolf Pack" are on a mission to reach Kafr Cenneh. On the way there the 9 commandos must face the enemy which outnumbers them by far.
The Wolf Pack
It's an epic crime saga set in Turkey where a group of talented police officers try to find the murderer who killed the famous internet stars.
45-25 #KusursuzCinayet