Martin, a frustrated lawyer who sells perfumes, is reunited with Robert, an old, bright fellow student, and falls in love with his wife. One night...
The Eyes Leave a Trace
Hyacinth, a former matador who lives miserably with his nephew Pepote, receives a letter reminding him that, as agreed a few days before, he must...
Uncle Hyacynth
In Madrid during the fifties' the calm life from some neighbors will be changed since the arrival of Antonio, a man without scruples who lives...
This is Madrid
Madre Alegría
Rosa de Levante
There are nearly three dozen major televised, theatrical and cinematic productions paying homage to this revision of the original tale of Don Juan....
Don Juan Tenorio
Último día
Emigre returns to Spain to visit family; reunites with long-lost illegitimate son and rescues his brother-in-law from a gold-digging gigolette.
Educando a papá