Drama documentary which takes the form of an up-dated version of Pygmalion. With a special music score by jazz group Working Week, with real...
Ligmalion: Or How to Help Yourself in Self-Help Britain
For years Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, Stuart Hall and Gary Glitter were adored by fans - but the horrifying truth of how they abused vulnerable fans...
National Treasure, National Disgrace: Savill, Harris & Hall
This feature-length documentary for ITV1 and ITVX is the first detailed up to date telling of the dark double life of Gary Glitter - real name Paul...
Glitter: The Popstar Paedophile
Documentary follows Glitter through a routine of press conferences, radio interviews, photo shoots, concert rehearsals, and so forth.
Remember Me This Way
Rockumentary following British rock band Pulp on their 1995 UK tour.
No Sleep Till Sheffield: Pulp Go Public
70s Glam Rock star Gary Glitter joins Gerry Cottle's Circus
Rocky Circus