This film is a rural inspirational comedy, telling the story of retired athlete Xiao Li, led by his father, to lead the village girl football team to...
My Crazy Old Father
The world is on the brink of catastrophe in a chaotic age where evil demons roam. In order to keep evil at bay, a mysterious organisation from the...
The Thousand Faces of Dunjia
A monster crosses paths with the foursome from the classic Chinese story Journey To The West.
Journey to the West: The Bhikkhu Land
Zhang Chi, a hubris and dominating six-time racing champion, falls from grace following a crisis. After a five-year suspension from the motorsport,...
Yang Feng, a literary teenager who fell out of the college entrance examination, dreamed of becoming a "hippie" prodigal son and vowed to complete...
The Road To Hippie
Charging Out of Prisoner Camp
In the early winter of 2006, Xing Dong, who had just been released from prison, was stabbed to death at Jiangbei County Ferry. The criminal police...
White Nights
There is a giant sinkhole in Guangxi called the Eye of the Underworld. According to folklore, it is the door to the Yin and Yang Realms. What's more,...
Sinkhole Hunting Dragon
In Longyun Town in the early years of the Republic of China, it is said that after the town discovered a treasure, strange things gradually occurred...
The Mysterious Story of Longyun Town
Thousands of years ago, the cruel Simo tribe made a crystal coffin out of meteorites outside, trying to use its mysterious power to expand its power....
Five Dragon Town Coffin Biography