A modern-day fairy tale, The Haunting of Prince Dom Pedro is a story of how a group of high school Latin American History class students learn to...
The Haunting of Prince Dom Pedro
Documentary filmmakers investigate reports of a vampire at Highgate Cemetery in London. They witness paranormal activity and encounter the legendary...
The Highgate Vampyre
Christmas story about a teenage girl that finds hope in a magical nativity display at her church.
Megan's Christmas Miracle
The cast and crew of independent film "Save a Buck" find themselves in danger when their director lies to them and ignores basic safety protocols on...
Save a Buck
Two gay seventeen-year-old boys; Jacob and Grayson, learning to navigate life in a small town. Being the only two gay teens in their area brings...
Never Stay Quiet
When the strain of tragedy was too much for a young couple in Appalachia, prescription pills became the medicine to ease the pain.
Back Fork
The future of humanity hangs in the balance, as both sides race against time to find the bloodline of Judas Iscariot.
Brandon is back! In this long-awaited unofficial sequel/spin-off to the Amateur Porn Star Killer trilogy. It is the first film in history to include...
Ted Bundy Had a Son
Victoria Stokes, a young daughter of a wealthy businessman, runs away to escape an arranged marriage with an evil coal tycoon businessman Langley...
The Mountaineer