This European thriller, set in Sri Lanka, attempts to expound upon the philosophical implications of life, death, and memory. JB, an academic famed...
Crystal Book
Piyal is a handsome young teacher who is hired to teach English to Nanda, a member of a high class family. They fall in love, but can't elope because...
Changes in the Village
A story of a notorious rich man in the upper class society of Colombo and how he has ended up with his wife who has no sense about her husband's...
Night of Destiny
"Loku Duwa" depicts an attractive and self-sacrificing daughter of the middle class in the city who is trapped in a family of traditional values.
Loku Duwa
An upper middle class family's struggles as a country struggles between democracy and totalitarianism. The family faces persecution and the...
Pawana Ralu Viya
Sandesaya (Sinhalese language word meaning The Message) is a 1960 film. The film based on the war between the Sinhalese people and the Portuguese...
An intense, cat-and-mouse drama between newly appointed ASP Randeniya and a local thug (Goring Mudalali). Randeniya's life gradually falls apart as...
Based on a short story written by G.B. Senanayake in one of his short story collection known as "The Revenge," the film revolves around a murder...
The Treasure
Chanchala Reka is a Sri Lankan sinhala film released in 1981.
Chanchala Rekha
The film deals with the inter-ethnic, communal violence between Sinhalese and Tamils. It demonstrates the ambivalence of the Sinhala socio-political...
The Kite