This grand opera, complete with ensembles and ballets, large choruses and orchestral set pieces, is given an appropriately grand treatment in this...
Les Troyens
John Copley's enduring production of one of the most famously melodious and popular of all operas is a classic of the Royal Opera repertory. With...
La Bohème
In this high-definition film of Bellini's historical bel canto drama, "I Puritani", tenor superstar Juan Diego Flórez is partnered by new...
I Puritani
The context is England's Civil War between the Roundheads (the Parliamentarians, or Puritans of the title) and the Cavaliers (Royalists). A love...
Bellini I Puritani
A village somewhere in the Italian countryside, a wayside inn on a road crossed by the occasional dog. Nothing more. Laurent Pelly’s production...
Donizetti: L'Elisir d'amore
The burning lyricism, the minute painting of details, the fresh liveliness of the conversation scenes and the sophistication of orchestration, all...