The film's plot revolves around a rich playboy and an expert in coral who helps scientists to discover chunks of coral missing off the Mozambican...
A former district officer is assigned to work on a team of diamond prospectors, who are busy double crossing each other until they are blown up...
Coast of Skeletons
A traditional famer seen as the new voice of Afrikaners. He crumbles when his wife leaves him for another man
The Square
South African Film
Gold Squad
Reworking of H. Ridder Haggard's SHE with softcore sex star Sarli as the white "goddess" who lives among the tribes of South Africa and can enjoy...
The Virgin Goddess
Spore in die Modder
South African secret agents attempt to save confidential microfilm before it falls into the hands of Communists. A color remake of the Sam Fuller...
The Cape Town Affair
When a lighthouse keeper takes in a seal in need and gives to his children to look after, the whole family is drawn into the shadowy world of illegal...
Sandy the Seal
In South Africa a new young ranger is transferred to a troubled game reserve. He struggles to be accepted by, and help, his boss, fending off...
Rogue Lion