The story of Bia Leal, a successful blogger who is getting ready for a party celebrating her five million followers. However, a serious mistake...
In 1960s Rio de Janeiro, aspiring writer Felipe leads a life of wild parties held in an apartment in famous street Barata Ribeiro in Copacabana....
BR 716
Lia, a nothing scary little monster that inhabits the room under the bed of the girl Ana, leaves her hiding place at night while the child sleeps....
The day in the life of a young couple from Rio de Janeiro when she tells him she will move to Paris in six months.
Before She Leaves
Um Quadro do Pollock com Sangue
Jammed in a job they loathe and exhausted by all the social impositions that surround them, Bárbara and Luiz, in their twenties, decide to...
O Que Resta