Set in the 1980s, Tolani Ajao is a bank secretary in Lagos, who finds herself persuaded by her friend Rose Adamson to enter the world of drug...
Playing multiple characters, from lawyer to preacher, Nigerian artist Falz combines cinema with a concert after his successful 2017 end-of-year show.
Falz Experience: The Movie
One fateful night, an encounter at a police checkpoint manned by two drunk Officers sets off a chain of events that turns Brume and Najite's blissful...
Jolly Roger
Three young men frustrated with their current employment get mixed up in a seemingly low-risk, high-profit theft job. Things unfold and they just...
Three Thieves
A desperate man attempts to burglarize the home of a wealthy woman, but finds himself face-to-face with a crew of armed robbers who have the same...
One Lagos Night