Set against the backdrop of the Greek isles, the film follows Lola who takes revenge against her sexual partner Philip. Things begin to unravel when...
The story of the miraculous evacuation of Allied soldiers from Belgium, Britain, Canada and France, who were cut off and surrounded by the German...
In the midst of a marital crisis, a High Court judge must decide if she should order a life-saving blood transfusion for a teen with cancer despite...
The Children Act
A young man from the Congo in search of his brother attempts to cross Europe's borders. In Morocco, he teams up with a sharp-witted British runaway...
In 1984, a young programmer begins to question reality as he adapts a dark fantasy novel into a video game. A mind-bending tale with multiple endings.
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch
Paul, a 20 year old midwesterner, arrives at the central bus station and quickly catches eyes with Wye, a 22 year old girl voguing on the sidewalk....
Port Authority
Two thieving teenage brothers, stealing money to help their sick mom, match wits with a troubled security guard stuck at the bottom of a forgotten...
Don't Tell a Soul
With the future of the human race at stake, a group of young men and women -- bred for intelligence and obedience -- embark on an expedition to...
In 1961, a 60-year-old taxi driver stole Goya’s portrait of the Duke of Wellington from the National Gallery in London. It was the first (and...
The Duke
The imagined life of one of the world’s most famous authors, Emily Brontë, as she finds her voice and writes the literary classic...
In a profile pic-obsessed, filter-fixated world where online and reality blur, influencer Dorian Gray makes a deal. For his social star never to...
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Jay Parini finds himself stuck in a Morris Minor, chauffeuring the brilliant, blind Jorge Luis Borges through Scotland. Quiet and conservative,...
Borges and Me