In this terribly poignant tale of memory, loss and love, Juliette, a young woman paying a visit to her Alzheimer's suffering father, unexpectedly...
Two Minutes
The Truth About Rainbows is a dramatic short film set in a new world city on the verge of change, for better or worse. Once upon a time, Toronto was...
The Truth About Rainbows
Alex has just met the love of his life who is leaving to go back home to Argentina forever. Rationally, Alex knows that a relationship is impossible,...
Alice, a New York cooking show YouTuber journeys to an English castle to lay the remains of a WWII nurse in the gardens, and finds herself in the...
Winters' Garden
Pushed to the breaking point by Simon, her psychologically abusive boyfriend, Alice becomes an unwitting...
Alice, Darling
A woman leaves her husband-to-be and instead weds her own wild desire when she flies away to a libidinous, party-filled weekend at Art Basel in Miami.
The Definites
Lauren simultaneously starts an affair with her boss, rents a bachelor apartment, and asks her boyfriend Tom to marry her.
Great Great Great
When a woman witness's what she believes is a husband abusing his wife, she ignores standard procedures and takes matters into her own hands.
She Came Knocking
Tonight, a lonely writer, a mother and a dreamer will try to escape sadness by partying, romancing and having sex with strangers.
Anne Darling
When Marie begins receiving ornaments from her mother, a new coincidental blessing comes with each one, causing Marie to feel more excited for the...
Magical Christmas Ornaments
After the anxiety of taking a home pregnancy test causes GWEN to faint on her bathroom floor, she is forced to have a discussion with the personified...
Dissecting Gwen
When Evette moves into a new apartment, she learns she can hear her neighbors through the wall. Can her detached obsession take the place of her...
The Girl Next Door
Darya a ballerina working for a prestigious Russian dance company decides to immigrate to Canada. Once there, she finds it hard to adapt, since she...
The End of Silence