In the wake of a disaster, Alice and her husband Petros take their young son Panagiotis to a provincial seaside town, seeking refuge. Working...
All the Pretty Little Horses
Independence Day in Athens. A girl lights a small fire and tells a small lie about a boy. Small racist lies easily get out of control. So do small...
Financial upheaval forces a teenage deaf girl, Valmira 16, to leave her progressive Athens school and return to her father's struggling island where...
Άκουσέ Με
Two boys and a girl prepare for nightclubbing in the heart of Athens. Arriving, they face a deserted club, where music plays blaring but there is no...
Mila likes to skate. Mila hasn't spoken to her alcoholic dad for over five years. Mila means "speak" in Greek. Mila visits her sick dad at the...
Financial upheaval forces a teenage deaf girl, 16-year-old Valmira, to leave her progressive Athens school and return to her father's struggling...
On their way to the supermarket, Penny and James meet again for the first time.
14-year-old Anti jumps out of a moving vehicle. She runs, she is hunted, she fights back: all of which she records on the stolen mobile phone of her...
My name is Anti