Adapted from Franco Scaldati's play, the movie transposes the story of Totò and Vicé from the theatrical representations to urban...
Toto and Vice
In an Italian village, where the idyllic beauty of the landscape belies the toughness of life, word has it young Pietro has psychokinetic powers. A...
The Properties of Metals
One of the most famous and mysterious literary and theatrical texts of the 1900s. Theodoros Terzopoulos, greek maestro of the international scene,...
Waiting for Godot
A surreal travel drama, shot on Sicility with Italian actors. IlViaggio Clandestino is a film about saints and sinners. Whether you areblessed or...
The Clandestine Journey: Lives of Saints and Sinners
In this live-action adaptation of the beloved fairytale, old woodcarver Geppetto fashions a wooden puppet, Pinocchio, who magically comes to life....